The Money Minister
God says a lot about money. It's the #1 thing God talks about in the Bible, besides Himself.
In The Money Minister, Catherine Van Der Laan discusses topics Christians bring up about money. We'll dive into scripture, experiences, stories, prayer, and friendship as we talk through important issues that Jesus' followers face daily around money.
Join me in the podcast or email topics and questions at catherine.vanderlaan@saverstreet.com. We're here to help you!
49 episodes
Money, Evil, Love, and Jesus
Welcome back to the Money Minister, the podcast where we deal with Christian questions about money and following Jesus, relying on the Bible and the Holy Spirit for insight into our lives. Today, we’re talking about an intense topic...
Season 4
Episode 10

How to Become a Cheerful Giver
In this episode, we discuss the tension between being told we have to tithe and being told we should be cheerful givers.We dive into scripture in 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 to listen to what God said through Paul to the Corinthian church in h...
Season 4
Episode 9

Biblical Roles for Spouses and Money: Navigating Finances and Faith in a Christian Marriage
I'm going to get in trouble for this one. I'm sure of it. Are financial roles within a Christian marriage preordained by scripture, or is there more to the story? What does the Bible say?Let's shatter some long...
Season 5
Episode 8

Faithful Finances: Balancing Debt and Christian Generosity
Can you still give to others even when you're drowning in debt? In this touching episode, we share the story of a woman who found herself struggling with debt and job prospects. Through our coaching sessions, we embarked on a journey to explore...
Season 5
Episode 7

Embracing Your Calling: Being a Christian in a Secular Workplace Without Getting Fired
Ever felt overwhelmed or unequipped to share your faith with your colleagues at work? Fear not! We're here to guide you through the challenging topic of being a Christian in a secular workplace, and leading others to Christ without getting fire...
Season 5
Episode 6

Faith, Work, and Asking for a Raise: Lessons from Joseph and Advocating for Yourself as a Christian
Do you ever struggle with asking for a raise, especially as a Christian? You're not alone! We're diving into the challenges Christians face when advocating for themselves in the workplace and how the story of Joseph demonstrates that faith, int...
Season 5
Episode 5

Christianity and Wealth: A Biblical Exploration of Riches and Serving God
Is it wrong for a Christian to be rich? This thought-provoking question drives our conversation in this episode as we, Catherine Van Der Laan and Erica Fluckus, explore the two opposing opinions held within the church. We discuss h...
Season 5
Episode 4

Faithful Finances: Aligning Your Money Management with Christian Values
Have you ever wondered how to manage your finances in a way that aligns with your Christian faith? Join us, Catherine Van Der Laan and Erica Fluckus, as we share life-changing insights on money management and giving from a Christian perspective...
Season 5
Episode 3

Unlocking God's Plan for Your Finances: Aligning Actions with Divine Intentions
Are you aligned with God's plan for your finances? Join Erica Fluckus and Catherine Van Der Laan as we unpack the importance of understanding God's intentions for our money and share our personal experiences of divine guidance in our financial ...
Season 5
Episode 2

Money and Faith: Navigating the Intersection and Aligning with God's Word
Are you struggling to reconcile your relationship with money and your faith? You're not alone. In today's episode, Erica Fluckus, a life coach, career coach, and coordinator with a nonprofit, as well as a dedicated Christian and seminary gradua...
Season 5
Episode 1

Being a Christian in a Secular Workplace: Leading Others to Christ While Not Getting Fired
You are perfectly positioned to lead someone to Jesus. God's working already. He's wooing your coworkers. He's trying to reconcile every single person to Himself.One of the TOP questions I hear from Christians is, "HOW do I...
Season 4
Episode 4

Getting Promoted as a Christian
How do you ask for a promotion and a raise as a Christian?This is what I do. I help people get better jobs, raises, and promotions and I work primarily with Christians.Christians CAN ask for what they're worth. You can be humble...
Season 4
Episode 3

Financial Planning for Christians: What Does God Say About Saving for the Future?
I’ve met a lot of Christians over the years. My husband’s a Chi Alpha Campus Missionary, so we travel around to different churches, speaking and praying and helping Christians and pre-Christians wherever we go. I’ve also been weirdl...
Season 4
Episode 2

Serve Your God, Not Your Goals
Welcome back to The Money Minister. We're starting a new season to talk through things many Christians face when working through money decisions. This episode is about goal setting, serving God, and asking God to set y...
Season 4
Episode 1

God Calls Us to Make Choices Before Life Gets Harder: Genesis 4:17 through 6, Matthew 2:19-3, Psalm 3
In today’s scripture, we see three stories: the beginning of Noah’s story, when God was furious with the wickedness of the people of the world. They had a LOT of hardship - lots of work. To remind you, God cursed humanity and caused them to wor...
Season 3
Episode 3

Give God Your Best: God Likes to Bless the Best Offerings
Today's reading is Genesis 2:18-4:16, Matthew 2:1-18, and Psalm 2. These readings are remarkably similar. God sees good, loves it, and blesses good. God sees evil, hates it, and rejects evil.We see curses, atrocities, and s...
Season 3
Episode 2

Our God is Big and Powerful and Wants to Help You: Genesis 1-2:17, Matthew 1, Psalm 1
The Money Minister has decided to start a new, long season. We're going through the Bible to see what it says about money!In the next 365 episodes, we'll see what God really says about money. It's the #2 topic in the Bible, just after G...
Season 3
Episode 1

Biblical Money Principles: Do The Good Work God Put in Front of You to Do AND Plan for Your Future
God gives us money for two reasons:To take care of ourselves and our familiesTo take care of othersThat might sound simple, but it's not always understood. Taking care of yourself and your fa...
Season 2
Episode 5

Biblical Money Principles: Find God’s Plan For Your Life
Finding God's plan for your life and your finances isn't easy. You need to grow, listen, pray, pray more, and then take a step in faith. In this episode, I talk through how God showed me my career path, my ministry path, and my fam...
Season 2
Episode 4

Biblical Money Principles: Align Your Heart with God
God's blessings come to those whose hearts are aligned with God's heart.God wants to give you the desires of your heart. He wants to bless you. He wants to provide you with all you need.Most Christians try to make Christianity l...
Season 2
Episode 3

How (and Why) Christians Should Give
Giving and God’s actual prescription for giving is a hot-button issue for Christians. There’s a lot of back and forth and a LOT of controversy. And that makes a TON of sense to me. Money’s not easy to talk about. We all know that m...
Season 2
Episode 1

Overcoming the Fear of Wealth or the Fear of Money
God gives blessings of wealth. He is happy to provide for his children. He also warns us a LOT about money, because having money can draw us away from God. So he warns us to help us put money in its place.We have to wrestle with a tensi...
Season 2
Episode 1

What to Do When People Ask You for Money
In this episode, we’ll be talking through the situation of close friends or family asking for money. Here’s the common story I hear in January: we’re unsure of our financial future and would love to get out of this debt. It keeps s...
Season 1
Episode 26

How to Enjoy Spending Money While You Achieve Your Financial Goals
For many, money management is a black and white topic. They focus on just one goal at a time, working as efficiently as possible with the money they have.I've been on both sides of the spectrum: all work and no play to get out of debt an...
Season 1
Episode 25