The Money Minister

Unlocking God's Plan for Your Finances: Aligning Actions with Divine Intentions

Catherine Van Der Laan / Erica Fluckus Season 5 Episode 2

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Are you aligned with God's plan for your finances? Join Erica Fluckus and Catherine Van Der Laan as we unpack the importance of understanding God's intentions for our money and share our personal experiences of divine guidance in our financial choices.

Discover the life-changing story of Joseph, who, despite being thrown into circumstances beyond his control, remained faithful and followed God's plan. We also explore the 'mansion exercise' to align our hearts with God's desires and dive into the passions He has placed within us. 

As we examine the significance of having a plan when it comes to managing God's wealth, we'll discuss how pastors prepare their sermons and how to remain receptive to God's plans for us.

Finally, we'll share powerful lessons on giving and obedience, emphasizing the need to trust God and follow His guidance, even when we don't understand the reasoning behind it. We'll discuss how God uses our circumstances to reveal His plans and share an incredible testimony of a five-figure gift request that was met with God's surprising abundance. 

Tune in and open your heart to uncovering God's plan for your finances and learning how to align your actions with His desires.

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Speaker 1:

God wants you to learn and grow, and if he gave you everything all at once, you wouldn't treasure it. So God works with your work. God works with your steps of faith. God has given you a desire and a promise and a hope, and we find that promise okay And it needs to come from God and it needs to be for you and it cannot be a misinterpretation of scripture taken out of context. Welcome to the Money Ministers podcast. My name is Catherine Vanderlaan And I'm Erica Flukis.

Speaker 2:

We're the Money Ministers.

Speaker 1:

And we're here to help you understand what God says about managing money.

Speaker 2:

It's a tricky topic, but God says a lot about money in the Bible. Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Money Minister Oops, excuse me, the Money Ministers. I'm going to have to get used to that. Episode two Erica, welcome back.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Nice to be here, nice, to be back a lot. Yes, it's fun. It's so much fun the first time. It's glad to be here.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, i'm happy you are here. So today's episode is all about what God wants you to do with money. We are really starting out broad here. You guys Talking about last episode was what does God think about money, which is you know a lot, and today is what does God want you to do with money? So we're going to keep this pretty high level here. I'm talking to you, christian, we are talking to you, we are helping you understand high level what God wants you to do with money.

Speaker 1:

So, first of all, this has been a topic that has been really, really close to my heart, and it's not just because I'm a Christian financial coach, a money coach, but I feel like God has told me to do different things with money throughout my life. So, for example, just the other day I felt God saying hey, i want you to give $2,000 to this missionary, and he didn't tell me why. He didn't tell me what was going on. I kind of just assumed they needed it And I said, well, okay, i mean I had kind of earmarked that for something else, but I guess I don't need it, and off it went. So sometimes God tells you very, very specific things about what to do with money And sometimes you can order your life, organize your life and know what God wants you to do with money, because he's written about it a lot in the Bible. So today we're going to talk about what God has written, what are the general things that he wants us to do with money, and go just into that. So, erica, what do you think?

Speaker 2:

Well, i love what you talked about about sewing and reaping, and is it second Corinthians? I think it talks about those who, though sparingly, will reap sparingly. Those who stow generously were reaps generously, But I had a similar situation the other day, so I knew that that was something he wanted me to do. I was thinking it was one amount, like a lower amount, but then I continued to pray because I think it's also good not to rush into something if you don't have peace about it. And so I was like, okay, yeah, i can do that. But then I was like, no, i don't think, let me just hold off. But then he thought, held off, waiting on him. And he said, no, actually I want you to come up and do like five times that amount. I was like, oh, but God, you know where I'm at. You know, financially is like that. Why is right now I'm pulling this out of my saving? But I did it And I I sewed into the very area that I'm believing God for And, just like you, i don't know. It's like, okay, i don't know who this is going to. I did pray over it. I prayed whoever receives it is blessed. Because I don't know, it's not, it's going. He directed me to sew to a nonprofit, to an organization that helps individuals. So I just prayed over who the person or family who would benefit from it.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, it's all about obedience. Obedience is better than our sacrifice. So, whatever God is telling you to give it could be money, time, it could be clothing, a skill set you know, whatever the case may be, it's important to obey. And, like we talked about last episode, it goes back to your heart. How you know, how how much do you want to serve God and please God. Not understanding why? because he doesn't. He doesn't always explain to you why he never does. It's usually 99.9%. God will tell you to do something And he's not going to tell you why. Maybe 95, maybe 90% of the time when he's telling you to do something, it may not make any sense to you and or it may not be comfortable. That's why we just have to do it and be obedient. So it really is about are you going to trust him, regardless of what you feel, think and see? And so it's all about your heart is the matter of the heart.

Speaker 1:

That's right. That's right And it's funny. We're both using examples of how God has been speaking to us directly and examples of giving and uncomfortable giving. I mean, mine was a relatively uncomfortable giving, right It's. You know, we took it out of our savings too, and it's not like we could cash flow that on a monthly basis and take it out of, you know, money that's not directed somewhere else. So it's, it's uncomfortable, don't know why, but we hear the voice of God and we obey the voice of God.

Speaker 1:

Maybe let's talk about what it says in the Bible, what God wants all Christians to do with the money that God has given them. You know, what does scripture tell us about? how to manage our money, and I say manage our money, i mean, as we talked about it before, it's all God's money. So I know a lot of Christians say steward God's wealth, and that's accurate, that is super, very accurate. We as Americans I hear it all the time how do I manage my money?

Speaker 1:

And I think, i think, really, there are three big points that you can pull out of scripture on a on a very, very high level. And the first one is actually very similar to what we were just talking about It's aligning with God, so getting your heart right with God, making sure that you are following God, that you know God, and then doing the work that God's put in front of you to do. So God has given us all good works to do in front of us And he's put good. What is that verse? Do you know that verse off the top of your head? Do?

Speaker 1:

the good works. I believe it's.

Speaker 1:

Matthew, all the good works, no, yeah, no, it's, we didn't write it in our notes, but there's this is the problem with ad-libbing but to do the good works that God has put in front of you to do. If you are listening to this and you know that scripture I'm not going to Google it here, because you're going to hear me typing and it's going to look a little weird on the video But if you know that scripture, go ahead and put it in the comments on either YouTube or wherever you're listening to this, if there's a comment section, if you're on Facebook or wherever. I didn't put it in the comments. I would love to know what that verse is, what, what version you're using and what you think about doing the good works that God has put in front of you to do. So God does say, though, in Matthew Matthew 633, but seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness. So align yourself with God, and all these things will be given to you as well. And God is talking about material needs there. That, in context, people were saying basically, what, how do I, how do we live, When Jesus said but seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Stop worrying about what you're going to wear. Stop worrying about what you're going to eat. And he didn't say stop planning. He said align your heart with God. So that's number one. Number two is, again, he didn't say stop planning. Number two is really plan. Plan to steward God's wealth. Well, for which of you desiring to build a tower doesn't first sit down and count the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? Luke 14-28.

Speaker 1:

Okay, if you are doing your homework, which I hope everybody here is, jesus actually wasn't talking about money in that one. He used it as an example of common sense. So it was common sense at the time where, if you are doing something, you are going to plan it out. That was wisdom. That was common sense. That was common wisdom even. And so if you are not even planning how you're going to spend your money, if you don't have a budget, then you are not even within the common wisdom of Jesus's time. So get on a budget, guys, plan your money, know where it's going, where it has gone and where you wanted to go, and then stick to that plan.

Speaker 1:

And the very last thing. So three things right, and then maybe we can expound on these. The very last thing is give to the poor People have a lot of opinions about giving to the poor. People have a lot of opinions. Some people think that you shouldn't give to the poor. Some people think it's not all that important. Jesus says somewhere in one of the Gospels for the poor, you will always have the poor, but you will not always have me. That is a very specific example. Do not take that out of context.

Speaker 1:

God literally, literally, destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sins, and people think their sins were, were sodomy, you know, and how they were treating Lot and all the people who were coming and visiting them. It actually wasn't. If you look up the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, do you know what it was, erica? do you have any idea? I do not. I have to do some research. Yeah, okay, no, no, and everybody please check. But the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was that they were taking advantage of widows and orphans. They were abusing the poorest and neediest among them. Can you imagine, can you imagine And that is what God found to be so heinous of a crime, of a sin, that he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?

Speaker 1:

Because how dare they take advantage of the poor and the needy, those who don't have power, who don't have prestige, who don't have money, who don't have wealth. How dare they do that? It shows where their heart is. So, anyway, that on a high level. I think that's what God wants us to do with our money. That's what you can see throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament is align with God and do the work that God is put in front of you to do. It is to plan the use of the money well, and then it is to constantly and always give to the poor. Okay, that shows your heart, it shows your intention and it shows that you value the wisdom that God has put in front of you. All right, where do you want to go from here, erika? Erika, you feel like we can dive into any of these.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're all high level but very important to our topic. But I want to go back to the Matthew 6.33,. But seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. And so the analogy that came to me when we were talking was if anybody has gone to the chiropractor, maybe you were in a car accident or you had back problems and you're out of alignment, right.

Speaker 2:

And when you're out of alignment, your body isn't functioning the way it should or you may be experiencing pain. And so, just like the chiropractor, we go to the chiropractor and sometimes it takes multiple sessions, depending on the depth of, I guess, how much you are out of alignment. You're going there to get back into alignment, And so I just think it speaks to, I think, how many of us are just out of whack. We're out of alignment. That's why we are in pain, not maybe physically, but emotionally. Financially, we're experiencing a financial distress, maybe because of bad decisions that we've made, because we didn't count the cost before we went and spent our money or whatever it was, And so I think that's why insurance is so important.

Speaker 1:

If you don't have the right kind of insurance, you're not counting the cost and properly. Anyway, that's true.

Speaker 2:

Going to America, Yeah that's probably, and I don't know which one you mean, but you're probably, I would say, medical insurance and life insurance, both important Oh that's a longer discussion.

Speaker 1:

Maybe we'll have like an insurance podcast episode. Oh man, that would take a long time. Just take one of my courses, guys. Okay keep going, but.

Speaker 2:

I was no, but no, i was just. I just really felt like that alignment piece is foundation, because we have to be in line with God's word, we have to know what God's word says and we have to trust his word, you know. and so if we don't know his word, if we don't trust it, then we're going to be out of whack, out of alignment, and then we are not able to plan wisely, or we don't plan, we choose not to make the right decisions and we're not able to give, or, you know, we're being blocked from giving. Yeah, so that's, that's what I think.

Speaker 1:

Or we're not in the place in the career that God wants us to be in. So we're not, we're not feeling the passion, we're not invested in it emotionally and mentally. So then we don't have the career growth that we could potentially have if we were fully invested and we were knowing the delight that God has put in our heart for different things. I mean, aligning with God makes your heart sing. Aligning with God brings out and kind of pulls out and grows this passion for life, for where you are, what you're doing, who you're serving, what you're building, it just everywhere. Because God, I mean. Think about Joseph, okay, And okay, let's talk about passion for a moment.

Speaker 1:

And Joseph, he was thrown into all of these annoying, horrible circumstances, But his passion was for his God, Yes, And our God. And as Joseph went around and he was a slave, he was, you know, serving Potiphar, he was in prison, he was serving Pharaoh. God blessed everything that he touched Because God put him in those circumstances, God gave him opportunities, God gave him passions, God gave him talents and he used them because he was aligned with God.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then he became basically ruler of Egypt, right, second only to Pharaoh. So I mean not to talk about prosperity here and like we're not, like hey, you know God. God, it makes you super rich If you just follow him. that's not what we're saying. It's not what we're saying. We're saying God will take care of you when you align your heart and your actions with what God wants for you. What better work is there to do than the work that God put in front of us to do?

Speaker 2:

I want to ask you a question. In your work that you do with your clients, so we talk about this alignment. So what do you say to people who are maybe stuck in the rat race? right, they're in this dead end job. They have this desire, this dream that they know came from God in their heart to be an entrepreneur, to do something that they didn't go to school for, but they know God wants them to pursue it And they realize okay, yeah, i know that I'm not quite in alignment, but I have bills to pay, i need this job, but there's this vision that God has placed in my heart. What kind of advice? Because I think a lot of people struggle with that. So what kind of advice would you give to those folks?

Speaker 1:

I want a great question And I agree a lot of people struggle with that a lot. The very first thing that I always ask people to do who come to me with that problem is actually I call it a mansion exercise, And have I ever explained this to you?

Speaker 2:

I think you did, but I would love to hear it again.

Speaker 1:

Okay. so it's basically about aligning your heart with God, but it's a lot more about repentance too. It's kind of everything, but it's a full prayer exercise And it's like a full body experience. And so the mansion exercise is about. you have to close your eyes and really visualize this. but Jesus comes to your mansion and he rings the doorbell, he knocks on the door and you go and you answer it and say come on in, jesus, i'm so happy to see you And you've done your best. Can you imagine if Jesus came to your house and you had this amazing, like big mansion? you would scrub the heck out of it, wouldn't you? Sure would. Yeah, absolutely, you want Jesus to really love you.

Speaker 2:

Like royalties coming to my house.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you'd dress up, you would scrub the heck out of it like you would spare no expense. Well, jesus is at the door of your life And your mansion is your life, and he asks for a full tour. And this is the mansion exercise. So Jesus is in your life, he's walking with you and you have to visualize Like he's in the foyer you know you have this grand mansion And he says I want to see every room, and every room is a facet of your life. Maybe one of the rooms is your relationship with your parents, one your mom, one your dad. Maybe one of the rooms is your relationship with your spouse or future spouse, or your dating relationship, or your relationship with money. you know finances, your financial life, your career, your all of these different things. And I'll tell you what, erica.

Speaker 1:

I do this exercise about once a year and every year, new rooms appear in my life, rooms that I hadn't explored before and didn't know before. And as Jesus is going through and getting a full tour of your mansion, you open the door and can you like it's not clean. It's not clean And you're like I don't know about you, but every time I do this I'm pretty ashamed. You know, here's. I've been selfish with my husband, right. I don't serve him as well as I could. I don't always put his needs before mine. Sometimes I'm too tired or what have you. And Jesus says stop, stop, let me help you clean it up. And he goes into every room and, like the servant that he is, he helps clean up every room. You know, with us, with me, and in that I'm repenting, i am realigning I am giving it all to Jesus and I've invited him into every room. That is the mansion exercise. So you've got me all weepy That sounds awesome Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yes. So the very, very first thing is the mansion exercise, and that helps align people with God and repent where they need to see, where they need to grow and invite Jesus in every single piece of their lives. And without that you can't move on. Because if you are harboring any sort of secret sin in your life guess what, it's not secret, he knows about it anyway. So invite him in and just clean it up. Clean it up. Then I say, okay, let's explore the desires of your heart, the passions that God has given you, and we really flesh it out and put it all out there and then start exploring.

Speaker 1:

Each one Is this from God, and usually you know what Usually it is. So if they've come to me with desires, like you've said, you know they're in a dead end career. They really know that God wants them to do this other thing, but they don't know how to start. We will define what that other thing is And then we'll put next steps to it. And very often you need a job that's going to pay your bills. God knows that. God knows that. And also you know he does own the cattle on a thousand hills. He owns everything in this world. He can give you everything all at once, but he usually doesn't. That's not how God works. God wants you to learn and grow, and if he gave you everything all at once, you wouldn't treasure it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's true, we mismanaged it Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Right. So God works with your work. God works with your steps of faith. God has given you a desire and a promise and a hope, and we find that promise okay And it needs to come from God and it needs to be for you, and it cannot be a misinterpretation of Scripture taken out of context. It needs to be God's promise, who you, and then we define those steps of faith. And a step of faith is just a step where you don't know how it's going to land, but you are looking at Jesus as you're stepping out of that boat and you're going. I know the promises that he has for me And I will do the work to get there and trust that God has me here. So that's what we do, that's how you align with God.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. That's awesome. I want to do After the show. We need to. I want to schedule a 101 consultant week. I can go through that. No, no, no, no, no. That's it's. I'm glad you're sharing that. I think a lot of times, even with me as a career coach, you know I'm not perfect, but you know my first step would be okay, what do you love to do, what do you feel like you're passionate about? But you are really digging deeper to say, okay, let's really dig deep and see where those what I call blockers are, those internal blockers, and I think a lot of times too, it could be simply fear or the unbelief you know those. That's a sin as well, that you know. So many of us, i think, are fearful to step out or to do what God is calling us to do, and so we're getting in our how do they say it? We're in our own way. A lot of us get in our own way because of fear and unbelief and anxiety, doubt, all those relatives. They all are related.

Speaker 1:

Or just not even knowing God's voice. You know, was that a promise from God to me?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, and so it's not even fear, doubt, disbelief or any of that, it's just not knowing God's voice, and you need to know it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's good, that's true.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so so that.

Speaker 2:

With the episode now. That was great.

Speaker 1:

I know right, we really could. I feel like maybe, though, we should go into into the plan a little bit plan to steward God's weather. Maybe we should just end here and talk about planning in the next episode. What do you think?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this definitely could be a three-part series. I think each one of these alignment planning give could be at the own episode. I don't know if we want to touch on the planning a little bit just to wet the appetite of the viewers. Let's do that for everybody who's listening The viewers, the audience, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Let's do that. Let's talk about planning just a little bit, because some people I cannot tell you the number of people who have said I'm just going to do it, i claim it, god told me and so I'm just going to go for it with that plan, and I don't think that's how God made the earth. I don't think he formed the heavens and the earth without a plan. I don't think he went. you know what. I don't know how many days this is going to take, but that's going to be how long a week is. I think he knew what he was doing before he created the heavens and the earth. What do you think, erica?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely. Well, God is strategic. He doesn't do anything by accident. so, I agree, We don't know everything. I think the Bible doesn't tell us every little thing that happened, like even when God created the earth, let there be light. We don't know. okay, what was he doing before he started? just speaking into existence? different things. But yeah, I think our God is a planner, He's strategic. But I think he's a planner, he's strategic, but at the same time, we have to be open to the plans of God, if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

So when pastors are planning their sermons, okay, my husband's a Nordian minister. He plants sermons and is part of a pastoral group and they all plan sermons together. right, when pastors are planning sermons, you can really kind of tell when a pastor is a trust. trust the Holy Spirit and ramble pastor and hey, i've got it planned pastor. Both sides trust the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit that died. our counselor, our guide, is there in the plan. He's there in the planning stage. He speaks, he whispers, he shouts.

Speaker 1:

That part's not totally biblical, but I'll tell you what God does shout sometimes. God is a planner and he wants us to be like him, and so I do think that we need to plan God's wealth, and we'll talk about that a little bit more, maybe in another episode. But absolutely, if you read Proverbs at all, god talks about wisdom. who some people say wisdom and Proverbs? is Jesus personified into wisdom or Jesus is personified wisdom himself, And so when they talk about wisdom, they're actually talking about Jesus. But I'm not sure where I stand on that. That's just something that I heard. You can disagree if you want. I have no actual opinion. But if you read Proverbs at all, you hear wisdom saying, hey, you need to have a plan, you need to think this through. You need to know where you're going. You need to plan out the steps of your feet. So, are you going to take God's advice or not? Is your heart aligned with God or not? God wants you to plan.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, plan. And, like I say, i think we plan, we do the work that we know, we do what we know we need to do, but at the same time we commit it back to God. Our plan, at the end of the day, our plan could look great. I think that's why a lot of pastors some of them do plan, they plan out and have every point, and I've done that when I preached before. I've had a nice, perfectly planned out sermon, but the day of, like the day during the sermon I made, the Holy Spirit just may say no, let's go over here. And it's like OK, well, i spent all that time, but that's OK, i'm just going to flow. And so I think that's why it's important to be flexible with the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 1:

Oh, definitely, oh definitely. There's another passage that says man plans and God laughs, or something like that. That's paraphrased, but that is true. And so God comes and says nice plan guys, good try. But I also have this thing over here that I want you to do So stay open, listen to the Holy Spirit throughout your plan. If you need to modify it, you need to stay flexible.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly Exactly. And that's the same way with our money, like we talked about earlier. We had plans for a certain amount of money. It was in savings, but God said no, i want you to sow it over here. Give it to so, and so It's like OK.

Speaker 1:

Right, right. Ok, i guess they needed it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sounds good.

Speaker 1:

You are Lord of our lives, absolutely Yeah. So, speaking of giving, that is the last thing that God asks us to do. Everywhere in the Bible, everywhere You read Deuteronomy. Oh, maybe not Deuteronomy, maybe Joshua, i don't know Around there, sorry, guys.

Speaker 2:

Old Testament. Old Testament The beginning. Old Testament.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, around there, god says, hey, when you are, they were all landowners, right, and they would sow their fields, they would harvest crops And that's another way of saying your money, your resources. And they said, hey, when you are harvesting your crops and you leave some, don't go back and get it. That is for the poor, that is for those who don't have as much as you. Leave it for them, For that's how I've provided for them. It was as the Lord. And so God expects us to give to the poor from our blessings. God expects us to use the resources that he has given us to bless someone else And, honestly, when he asks us to do that, over and above our regular tithe to the church, it blesses us more, it changes your heart And it aligns it more with God, because that's who God is, for God so loved the world that he gave.

Speaker 2:

Jesse exactly.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, and we're to be. we're his children, right, so we have to follow right after our daddy God. If he gave the greatest sacrifice, his own son, his only begotten son, jesus, then who are we to hold on to? anything We should be willing to give whatever, even if it's a house or car, you know, whatever it may be he may tell us to give. you know, it's not always just money or whatever's in our pocket, you know, given to the man that you see on the corner of a sign. No, you may know somebody in need at your local church. They might be in need of a car And he may say okay, you have more than one car, so I want you to sell that car. Bless them with it, yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Erica, what's the craziest thing that God has asked you to give?

Speaker 2:

I actually have sold a car, i've given a car to someone. It's not crazy, but it's, and I think about. I was kind of young then. I mean not young spiritually, but there was a young lady I guess that's why I mentioned it in my local church, as I live in Arizona who was believing God for a car, didn't need a car And I was getting ready to buy a new car. I could have traded my car in, but I was like, well, this car works, well, i don't really need it. You know, i was able to. I didn't have to trade it in order to get the new car. I had good credit and all that, so the payments worked out. So, yeah, i literally gave her my car. It wasn't a brand new car but it was a good, functioning Corolla, two-order Corolla, so it was.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, that I wouldn't say crazy, but probably one of the biggest things. But that is a goal that I have. That's just like a side comment, i guess is I want to be able to get to the place where I can give big. I mean, you know, if I and I believe that's where God wants all of us to, to be as the whole, as a body of Christ right. There should be no need in the church. You know, in the early, in the early days of the church and acts, we can see that when there was a need, the apostles would come together and the people within the church would come and and bring whatever it was And I think it does mention houses if there was a need for someone in lack who needed a house or whatever it was. And so I just believe that's the way we should be. We're not there yet, but if that's why I and please don't get mad at me, don't send us any letters but that's why I don't believe in the power of building funds nor chicken dinners, and I say that because I just feel like if there is nothing is wrong with that, that's what you feel like God is leading you to do.

Speaker 2:

But I believe that if we understand the truth about money as believers, as the body of Christ, you know the pastor of a ministry or a church can say you know we're believing God to purchase this land debt free for our children, or to you know we're growing and we need a bigger building. We shouldn't have to go into debt for that. I just think the pastor or the minister should just speak at once and you're like, hey, me and you, we're going to get together Maybe two of the people. Yeah, we got it under control. That's it, the total bills and $1 million. Okay, yeah, let's get it, let's get a couple of us together. Then you take the whole church.

Speaker 2:

They're all millionaires and we can just pull it out of our liquid accounts. Oh, you'll get it. It's not. It's not a stream, it's not from mine. I'm going to see fun, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Or even if it is a stream. Here's the thing Even if it is not like a huge stream, but even if it is and God is saying go give it. I mean, i remember a time where that had called me to give a five figure gift to a mission's fund. I didn't know where it was going. It was big, it was a strain. I'll tell you that It was a strain. He gave me a time and a date. He gave me an amount. My husband and I agreed on it. He said you know what? I heard it too. We prayed about it. I mean, it was a big deal for that. And we went okay, well, i guess we'll trust you for it. Would you know? God deposited three times as much in our account two weeks before that gift.

Speaker 1:

And it was a surprise. It came out of nowhere. I wasn't expecting it And I cried. I literally cried, because I was like God, we had it scheduled, we had the gift scheduled, and we were like, well, i guess you know, it's clear as day. So we're going to do it. And we were like, wow, this couldn't come at a worse time, god. But okay, we're going to do it. And so we did. And two weeks, two weeks before, three times as much showed up in our accounts without you know. It was completely out of nowhere. And I mean it wasn't completely out of nowhere, i just didn't know that I would get it. So it had a logical explanation, but you know, but I just didn't know it was coming, it was a surprise It was a supernatural surprise, and we can talk about this at a future episode.

Speaker 2:

That it's you. I believe you released your faith with that, though you didn't Yeah. Yeah, maybe you were shocked at first, like, okay, really, god. But it's like, okay, god, we're just trusting you and we don't hear that a lot too, that we have to release our faith.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that's a whole other topic, but yeah, yeah, that's awesome. But, like you know what God wants us to give to the poor, god wants us to give above and beyond our tithes. God wants us to hear his voice, to give, to support the people around us who cannot support themselves because of some huge and heavy burden that is placed on them, some unfortunate circumstances. And, yeah, god could save them from those unfortunate circumstances. Who's to say it's not through you?

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's right.

Speaker 1:

So right, so it's anyway. That is the desire of his heart, and so we are aligning ourselves with God, if we can hear his voice. That is part of this heart. Work, right? That's what God wants us to do with money. So I think this is long enough. I don't think we should get into any objections. Maybe we'll get into that when we get into all of these in future episodes a little bit more. It sounds good, yeah, yeah, but as I think you have a bottom line and an application, if any of these things spoke to you, i think we would both love to hear that.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely Yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Who would love to hear it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So now, friends, go, align your heart with God and find the desires that he has put in your heart. Find what God has for you to do And guess what? He's going to take care of you. Yeah, plan for it. You know you have to plan around it, but he will take care of you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, amen Okay.

Speaker 1:

I feel like we should end this podcast in prayer. Yes.

Speaker 2:

That's a great idea. Well, since we're the money ministers, Right, Maybe we should.

Speaker 1:

You want to start us off Rukah?

Speaker 2:

Sure, sure, dear Heavenly Father, we just thank you for this time that we've had to minister about your word and what you say about money and what you want us to do with money.

Speaker 2:

And so, lord, we just ask that every person who has listened or viewed this podcast, this video, or who will in the future, that what we have spoken, your word, will go deep into their heart, it will be sewn into their heart and you would sell it in the name of Jesus. We pray, lord, that it's on a good ground and good soil and that you would enlighten them with your word more and more, so that the seed that was sown during this time into their hearts will grow and increase. Lord, so we just thank you for this opportunity to minister your word. We pray for every person listening at the sound of my voice and we just pray blessings over them. We pray, father, god, that they would do your will and they would get in alignment with your desires for their life. We thank you, lord, that you know the plan and purpose that you have for them. So we pray, lord, that they would seek first your kingdom and your righteousness, knowing and trusting that all these other things will be added unto them. In the name of Jesus, we pray.

Speaker 1:

Amen, amen, amen. That is so great. All right, everybody, thank you for joining us for the Money Ministers. See you next episode. Yeah, all right, thank you all.

Speaker 1:

See you next time. Bye, thank you for listening to this episode of the Money Minister podcast. I'm glad you're here. If you enjoyed this episode, please rate our podcast on iTunes or whatever you're using to listen. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, at SaverStreet, and if you need help with your personal finances, feel free to book a complimentary consultation at SaverStreetcom. We'll help you find what you need in your journey to financial independence. I'll see you in the next episode.