The Money Minister
God says a lot about money. It's the #1 thing God talks about in the Bible, besides Himself.
In The Money Minister, Catherine Van Der Laan discusses topics Christians bring up about money. We'll dive into scripture, experiences, stories, prayer, and friendship as we talk through important issues that Jesus' followers face daily around money.
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The Money Minister
Financial Planning for Christians: What Does God Say About Saving for the Future?
I’ve met a lot of Christians over the years. My husband’s a Chi Alpha Campus Missionary, so we travel around to different churches, speaking and praying and helping Christians and pre-Christians wherever we go.
I’ve also been weirdly interested in money and everyone’s relationship with money for decades. Yeah, I’m really fun at parties. Haha.
Anyway, I’ve noticed that many Christians don't think about saving money for retirement because they believe that they will be provided for in their old age. However, this is not what the Bible says. In fact, Scripture is clear that we are to plan for the future and to be good stewards of the resources that God has given us.
So, what does the Bible say about saving for the future?
Let's get into it.
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