The Money Minister

Give God Your Best: God Likes to Bless the Best Offerings

Season 3 Episode 2

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Today's reading is Genesis 2:18-4:16, Matthew 2:1-18, and Psalm 2. 

These readings are remarkably similar. God sees good, loves it, and blesses good. God sees evil, hates it, and rejects evil.

We see curses, atrocities, and salvation. But isn't that the whole story of the bible?

In Genesis, we’re continuing to see this perfect place God’s created. Don’t you want more? Because this perfection was ruined, God now ties hard work to being able to eat. Then we see Cain and Abel. God expects us to give Him our best. It’s what he’s due. Abel gave God his best - the first and the fat was considered the best. Cain just gave him some fruit as an afterthought. We also learn here that God can cause our work to be fruitless or fruitful. 

In this passage, we see a few characteristics of God and people. We see that God provides for his people and those who seek Him and His will. He’ll help us. We also see, like Cain, that Herod is willing to kill when he feels threatened or jilted. He killed all the male children who were 2 and under. Both Herod and Cain reacted selfishly and without humility when they didn’t get the response they wanted. And neither of them got what they wanted from their evil.

In Psalm 2, we see all of these passages come together. God gets angry with evil and curses it. There's no good that comes from murder or other evil. Instead, be wise and "give sincere homage to the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish on the way, for his wrath will soon be kindled. Blessed are all those who take refuge in him."

God wants your heart. He wants you to look beyond yourself and look toward Jesus, the Son. He wants you to GIVE HIM the best, the first, sincerely and honestly. He wants it because that's HOW you give him your heart.

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